the montra

Everybody who can should have a garden... it puts one in touch with the natural living world. Gardening is not a competition, but if it can be turned into one to help get a greater yield, then do it.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A watched garden seems to not grow

Kind of like that watched pot will never boil thing.  Of course it's all rubbish...  a pot on the heat will boil at the same rate whether it is watched or not... being watched has no affect on the equation.  The watching is not stealing heat energy away from the aqueous dihydrogen oxide.  It is the perspective... the impatience of the observer... the person who wants so much for something to happen and happen quickly that they perceive that it is not happening and never will.

I was away from the garden for a week and upon my return i noted how everything has grown so much.  You often don't notice these things day to day but week to week is another matter.  I also noticed that the weeds got a foothold and began competing, and that new slug damage is clear and evident, and clearly the squirrels have been having a free and easy good time in my absence.

I spent a good day weeding... good for the soul, i believe i have explained that before.  Labour that goes on and seems to be going nowhere, but then when you step back an see the big picture you realize you have accomplished a lot.  We need to see that in our lives.

It's 12:35 am, and i will shortly go out for a slug murdering session... word has it that there is a guy in the neighbourhood who talks and laughs to himself in the middle of the night with a head lamp on... i wonder if it's me?  Kind of fits my description, but kind of appears more "crazy" than the "forward thinking" angle i see through my lens.

I slashed a squirrel off the fence with a hockey stick after the bastard bit off a cluster of blueberries from one of my duke blueberry plants.  Some new squirrels have moved in since the last ones seemed to have (sing it with me...) Disappeared!

On the good news front it seems like 2 of the broccoli have made it out of critical condition, and the peas are producing wonderfully... carrots and beets are strong and the berries are coming in.  Things to worry about are...  some of the beans by the back fence are under savage slug attack as is the chard. The melon is now an ex melon and the squash and zucchini aren't really thriving, but that could be an arctic weather phenomenon.

The tomatoes really took off and i had to do a fair bit of tying them up. There are flowers and small tomatoes, the only real problem is the usual... ass hole squirrel burying peanuts (put out by the idiot neighbour) in the planters the tomatoes are in thus causing root damage and hindering growth.  I missed a hockey game in Sherwood on Sunday and a chance to increase the Sherwood squirrel population by one... crimminy.   Perhaps this is getting out of control even my kids are having a blast at the idea of buying me a carved wooden squirrel to haunt me at night... they think it's funny... wait a minute... perhaps i could get the brain damaged neighbour a wooden squirrel carving and perhaps that might fill some void, where perhaps she might come around and agree to go and live in a heavily supervised group home... worth a shot i say.

Just back from a slug run and i caught a massive snail devouring a bean leaf... smashey smashey... i bagged a few slugs as well.

Probably time for a second planting of beans... did i mention i threw in another rhubarb, and it is doing well... slugs snails and squirrels don't seem to have a taste for rhubarb.

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